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Methods for Submitting Meter Readings

(cold and hot water)

Meter readings (for cold and hot water) are accepted during the last three days of the calendar month and the first day of the month following the billing period (from the 28th (29th) to the 1st, inclusive) by one of the following methods:

  • by calling the landline at 79-43-57 in voice mode;
  • by calling the mobile number +38 (067) 000-13-57 in interactive mode;
  • through the website on the internet;
  • via the public account on the VIBER mobile app (instructions on the website;
  • via the Personal Account on the website

If the consumer does not provide meter readings to the service provider within the contractually specified time, the service provider will use the average daily consumption of the relevant service for the previous 12 months for the next three months.

Once the consumer resumes providing meter readings, the service provider is required to recalculate the charges for the services rendered.

Methods for Submitting Readings

List of residential buildings for the installation of commercial metering units in 2024

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