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Benefits and Subsidies

Since December 1, 2022, the appointment of subsidies and benefits for housing and utility services is exclusively carried out by the Pension Fund of Ukraine.

How to get subsidies and benefits?

•          through the mobile application of the Pension Fund;

•          through the Pension Fund web portal;

•          through the Diia portal;

•          through the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine website;

•          by sending documents to the Pension Fund by mail;

•          contacting authorized representatives of the territorial community;

•          contacting the Center for Administrative Services (CNAP).

Housing Subsidy is state assistance to families whose income does not allow them to fully pay for consumed housing and utility services. In other words, this is assistance that depends solely on the financial and material condition of the household: if you have a low income, you may receive a housing subsidy.

The conditions for granting housing subsidies and the procedure for their provision are determined by the Regulation on the Procedure for Granting Housing Subsidies, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 21.10.1995 № 848.

It is emphasized that a housing subsidy is not granted, including for the next period, if the household has overdue debts for housing and utility services or management expenses of a multi-apartment building for more than three months (as of the date of the information provision), which arose within three years, and the total amount of which (as of the date of application for a housing subsidy) exceeds 40 tax-free minimum incomes (680 UAH).

If the debt repayment is documented, or an agreement for its restructuring is concluded, or the debt is challenged in court (there is a court order to open proceedings), the housing subsidy is granted within two months from the beginning of the heating (non-heating) season. If the absence of debt is confirmed after the two-month period from the start of the heating (non-heating) season, the subsidy is granted starting from the month following the one in which the Pension Fund of Ukraine received documentary confirmation of such actions.

Benefit is a legal advantage granted to certain categories of people. For example, war veterans, family members of deceased (deceased) war veterans, Defenders of Ukraine, victims of the Chernobyl disaster, children of war, large families, etc.

At the same time, the benefit for housing and utility services (depending on the category of recipients) may be provided either without considering income or taking into account the average monthly total income of the family.

The mechanism for realizing the right to receive benefits for housing and utility services is determined by the Procedure for Providing Benefits for Housing and Utility Services, Acquisition of Solid Fuel, and Liquefied Gas in Monetary Form, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 17.04.2019 № 373.

There are several reasons that may justify the termination of benefits for housing and utility services.

According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 17.04.2019 № 373 “Certain issues of providing housing subsidies and benefits for housing and utility services, acquisition of solid fuel, and liquefied gas in monetary form,” benefits may be terminated:

  • in case of death of the beneficiary, loss of the right to a benefit or when the beneficiary is granted a housing subsidy – from the month following the month in which the event occurred;
  • at the request of the beneficiary – from the month following the month in which the request was submitted.

 Important! If there is simultaneous entitlement to both a subsidy and a benefit only one type of assistance will be provided.

Average Monthly Payment by One Household

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