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Information on Drinking Water Quality as of October 10, 2024 

No. Indicator Name Unit of Measurement Regulatory Value Actual Value
RWC 5000 m3 RWC 10000 m3
1. Organoleptic Indicators
1 Turbidity mg/dm3 ≤ 0.58 (2.03) ≤ 0.58 ≤ 0.58
2 Odor at 200 C, at 600 C points ≤ 2/≤2 2/2 2/2
3 Color degrees ≤ 20 (35) 18 18
4 Taste and Aftertaste points ≤ 2 2 2
2. Physical-Chemical Indicators
a) Inorganic Components
5 Hydrogen Index pH units 6.5-8.5 7.27 7.30
6 Total Iron mg/dm3 ≤ 0.2 (1.0) < 0.05 < 0.05
7 Total Hardness mmol/dm3 ≤ 7.0 3.12 3.16
8 Manganese mg/dm3 ≤ 0.05 (0.5) < 0.05 < 0.05
9 Chlorides mg/dm3 ≤ 250 29.78 29.78
10 Free Residual Chlorine mg/dm3 ≤ 0.5 0.45 0.49
a) Organic Components
11 Bound Residual Chlorine mg/dm3 ≤ 1.2 1.18 1.18
3. Sanitary-Toxicological Indicators
12 Aluminum mg/dm3 ≤ 0.5 0.227 0.239
13 Nitrates mg/dm3 ≤ 50 0.82 0.89
14 Nitrites mg/dm3 ≤ 0.5 0.020 0.020
15 Ammonium mg/dm3 ≤ 0.5 (2.6) 0.175 0.176
4. Microbiological Indicators
16 Total Coliforms CFU/100 cm3 absent absent absent
17 Total Microbial Count at t=37°C CFU/cm3 ≤ 50 < 2 < 2
18 E.coli CFU/100 cm3 absent absent absent

The drinking water supplied to the city’s centralized water supply network meets the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.4-171-10 "Hygienic requirements for drinking water intended for human consumption."

The drinking water supplied to the city`s centralized water supply network meets the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.4-171-10 "Hygienic requirements for drinking water intended for human consumption."

Results of drinking water tests taken from the water treatment facility reservoirs for June 2024

Results of drinking water tests taken from the water treatment facility reservoirs for May 2024

Results of drinking water tests taken from the water treatment facility reservoirs for April 2024

Results of drinking water tests taken from the water treatment facility reservoirs for March 2024

Results of drinking water tests taken from the water treatment facility reservoirs for February 2024

Results of drinking water tests taken from the water treatment facility reservoirs for January 2024

Results of drinking water tests taken from the water treatment facility reservoirs for December 2023

Results of drinking water tests taken from the water treatment facility reservoirs for November 2023

Results of drinking water tests taken from the water treatment facility reservoirs for October 2023

Results of drinking water tests taken from the water treatment facility reservoirs for September 2023

Results of drinking water tests taken from the water treatment facility reservoirs for August 2023

Results of drinking water tests taken from the water treatment facility reservoirs for July 2023

Results of drinking water tests taken from the water treatment facility reservoirs for June 2023

In order to ensure uninterrupted and reliable supply of drinking water to the consumers of Kremenchuk, which meets the current sanitary standards – SanPiN 2.2.4-171-10 "Hygienic requirements for drinking water intended for human consumption" – KP "Kremenchukvodokanal" uses the following reagents in the technological processes of drinking water production at the city`s water treatment plant:

  1. To clarify and decolorize Dnipro water, reduce manganese, and decrease the amount of phytoplankton, a coagulant is used.
  2. To intensify water purification processes, a flocculant is periodically added to the coagulant.
  3. To disinfect water, maintain the sanitary-epidemiological safety of water treatment facilities, and disinfect the water distribution network, liquid chlorine is used.
  4. To deodorize the water – improving its organoleptic indicators, reducing the intensity of odors and tastes – powdered activated carbon is used in the carbonization technology.
  5. To ensure long-term disinfection effect when chlorinating water in the water supply system and to prevent the formation of chlororganic compounds in drinking water, the reagent "Amopol" is used for industrial testing.

Information on Water Source Quality from July 15, 2024, to July 21, 2024

Indicator Value Corresponding Quality Class according to DSTU 4808:2007
Temperature, 0C 24.0 – 25.0 -
Hydrogen Index, pH units 7.89 – 7.92 3
Odor, points 2/2 2
Dissolved Oxygen, mgO2/dm3 0.83 – 1.79 1
Manganese, mg/dm3 0.524-0.155 1
Ammonium Nitrogen, mgN/dm3 <0.05 – 0.184 1
Phytoplankton, thousand cells/cm3 5,666 – 32,700 3 – 4

According to DSTU 4808:2007 "Centralized Drinking Water Supply Sources. Hygienic and Ecological Requirements for Water Quality and Sampling Rules," water quality classes are classified as follows:

  • Class 1 – Excellent, desirable water quality;
  • Class 2 – Good, acceptable water quality;
  • Class 3 – Satisfactory, acceptable water quality;
  • Class 4 – Average, marginally suitable, undesirable water quality.
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