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Electricity Supply

Regulatory Acts

Electricity Supply Conditions

Electricity service quality indicators, procedure, and compensation amount for non-compliance as determined by the NEURC

Procedure for Ensuring Electricity Quality Standards and Providing Compensation for Non-Compliance

Procedure for Meter Reading and Payment for Consumed Electricity

Sample Explanation of the Electricity Bill

Procedure for Changing the Electricity Supplier at the Consumer`s Initiative

Information on the Procedure for Submitting Consumer Appeals, Complaints, Claims, Safety Threat Notifications, and Their Review

Benefits of Efficient End-Use of Energy by Consumers

Tips for Improving Energy Efficiency When Consuming Electricity

Environmental Impact Caused by Electricity Production

Report on the Review of Consumer Appeals/Complaints/Claims Regarding Electricity Supply

Information on the share of each energy source used in the total structure of purchased electricity balance

Historical Price Component Dynamics for Electricity

Conditions and Procedure for Termination and Restoration of Electricity Supply to Consumers

Consumer Rights under Article 58 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Electricity Market"

Comparison of Prices and Tariffs for Goods and Services in Different Regions of Ukraine, as Well as in Ukraine and Other Countries

Contact Details for Reporting Electrical Safety Threats


Notification to Electricity Consumers on Tariff Changes














Commercial Offers

01.07.2019 – Commercial Offers

01.01.2020 – Commercial Offers

01.07.2020 – Commercial Offers

01.10.2020 – Commercial Offers

01.01.2021 – Commercial Offers

01.09.2021 – Commercial Offers

01.10.2021 – Commercial Offers

01.12.2021 – Commercial Offers

01.01.2022 – Commercial Offers

08.02.2023 – Commercial Offers

01.08.2023 – Commercial Offers

01.10.2023 – Commercial Offers

Electricity Consumer Information, Call Center

Consumer Contact Phones: +38 (067) 408-55-36.

Email for receiving electronic messages from consumers: [email protected].

Legal and postal address: 39623, Poltava Region, Kremenchuk, Heroiv Mariupolia Street, 35A.

Working hours: Monday – Friday from 8:00 to 17:00 (lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00, weekends – Saturday, Sunday).

By calling the provided numbers, specialists at KP "Kremenchukvodokanal" responsible for handling consumer inquiries and providing information will offer all necessary information. The call center provides electricity consumers with information and consulting services on the following issues:

  • Legislation and regulatory documents governing relations in the electricity sector;
  • Procedure for handling consumer complaints and dispute resolution;
  • Procedure for changing the electricity supplier;
  • Electricity supply contractual relations;
  • Development of forecasted consumption schedules;
  • Reducing electricity costs;
  • Issuing invoices for consumed electricity;
  • Prices (tariffs);
  • Payment procedure for provided services;
  • Consumer complaint and dispute resolution rules;
  • Disconnections for non-payment and electricity supply restoration procedures;
  • Other issues related to the electricity supplier.

Useful Links

SE "Market Operator"

PJSC "Poltavaoblenergo"



Government Portal

Ministry of Energy of Ukraine

Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine

Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine

State Energy Supervision Inspection

Supplier of Last Resort

LLC "Poltavaenerhozbut"

State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

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