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Restructuring of Debt for Consumed Water Supply and Wastewater Services

According to clause 42 of the "Rules for the Provision of Centralized Water Supply and Centralized Wastewater Services," approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated July 5, 2019, No. 690 (as amended by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated February 2, 2022, No. 85), in case of consumer debt for consumed services, the service provider and the consumer may, by mutual agreement, conclude an agreement on debt restructuring in accordance with the law.

Currently, under the applicable Law of Ukraine "On Restructuring of Debt for Apartment Fees, Payments for Housing and Utility Services, Consumed Gas and Electricity" No. 554-IV dated February 20, 2003, the debt subject to restructuring is that which arose as of July 1, 2003.

Therefore, the issue of restructuring debt for centralized water supply and wastewater services that arose after July 2003 remains unresolved.

However, KP "Kremenchukvodokanal" is accommodating its consumers by offering the option of installment payment of debt for services provided.

The main condition for debt installment payment is the payment of 50% of the debt, and an agreement on installment payment for the remaining debt will be concluded.

It is noted that during the term of the installment payment agreement, the suspension of centralized water supply and wastewater services due to debt is not carried out, nor are legal actions initiated to recover the debt through court proceedings.

To conclude an installment payment agreement, the homeowner or a registered occupant of the premises should contact the subscriber department of KP "Kremenchukvodokanal" from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (lunch break from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM), phones: +38 (097) 557-35-33, +38 (095) 814-40-32, +38 (067) 508-16-28.

You need to bring with you:

  •  A document confirming the ownership of the premises;
  •  A passport of a citizen of Ukraine;
  •  A certificate of assignment of a taxpayer identification number.

Information on Consumer Debt






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